About Printer Consumables Project:

The modern office is full of electronic and computer equipment, as most modern offices need more than just a printer. Thankfully, most printers these days do more than just print. Usually they can perform scanning and copying duties as well, and have the capability to deal with being in almost constant use.

Multifunctional devices (MFDs) supplied by Hetro Solutions Office Resources come with an extensive range of capabilities, which allow them to take on a key role within your office environment.

If you elect to use an MFD within your office, you can lower the costs and environmental impact of printing plus they save you from the necessity of using and maintaining three separate machines.

Why choose Hetro solutions office resources for your printer consumables ?

  • Original, compatible and remanufactured cartridges available
  • Switch and save – save PKRs by switching from branded to re-manufactured cartridges
  • All cartridges are high quality – they are not simply ‘drilled and filled’
  • Comprehensive three-year guarantee
  • We will replace failed cartridges free of charge, and if any machine faults are caused we will repair at our cost